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Capacitación, asesoría técnica y programas de desarrollo empresarial son algunos de los servicios que ofrece el Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA) a las personas emprendedoras y empresarios impulsados por el Sistema de Banca para el Desarrollo (SBD)

Alliance with INA

The ally of MSMEs.

The institution has an entity that promotes the competitiveness of companies.

The National Learning Institute (INA) provides training, technical consulting, and business development programs to entrepreneurs and businesspersons who are beneficiaries of the Development Bank System (SBD).

Business Assistance

INA supports SBD finance beneficiaries and helps in several different areas to productive projects in any of their stages.

The end goal? To make them more efficient and sustainable.

Capacitación_ Presupuesto

Each year, INA allocates at least 15% of its regular and special budgets to support SBD funds’ users in meeting their goals.


A specialized unit within the entity works to improve companies’ competitiveness and productivity and strengthen productive undertakings by providing and subcontracting nonfinancial business development services.

Just a click away

Visit www.inapymes.com for a wealth of information on the National Learning Institute’s services to micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises.

FAQs: The site provides clear answers to technical and administrative aspects.

Consulting: You can request online consulting.

Events: The site provides a calendar of consultation-related activities for SMEs.

Documents: You can also find useful information should you decide to sign up for INA’s services.

Advertise: Share more about your company or the business you want to start on their digital platform.

Contact us

For more information about the type of help INA can provide to SBD beneficiaries:

Call 2210-6770
Write to  unidadpyme@ina.ac.cr
Visit www.inapymes.com

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