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4. Entrepreneurship Flowchart


Any action intended to improve, update, complete, and increase the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities of resource beneficiaries.

Technical Assistance

Consulting by subject matter experts from the various disciplines related to the business’ activities.


Research and development for innovation and technology transfer.

Business Assistance

SBD’s objective is to act as a second-tier financial catalyst for productive, social, and environmental transformation in Costa Rica.
For this, each intermediary and beneficiary must see the SBD as a partner of excellence for accessibility, availability, process efficiency, and results efficacy.
To provide the necessary assistance, the SBD has developed an interinstitutional integration and coordination unit to work with:
> COMEX *MEIC and MAG *MiCyTT *Procomer
> INA (must train and/or assist in select SBD projects, including new undertakings)
> UTN *CETAV *ITCR *Earth, etc.
> Business chambers, CINDE, AZOFRAS, and similar
> Others

Flujo orientativo de emprendimiento en capacitación asistencia técnica, Asistencia técnica, desarrollo y acompañamiento.

The goal is for SBD programs that require  other institutions’ support, even if only for communication, to develop with the same efficiency and effectiveness as stated in their values.

SBD managementt must be conducted within an ethical banking framework given the focus of its projects and services and its capacity to be accountable for its portfolio’s destination and social and sustainability impact.

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