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What is the SBD?

The Sistema de Banca para el Desarrollo (SBD or Development Bank System) was created in 2008 by Law No. 8634 and comprises a group of entities of different kinds that finance and drive technically and financially feasible productive projects. A Board of Directors governs it with the support of a Technical Secretariat set up as its instrumental branch.

(SBD) son un conjunto de entidades de diversa naturaleza, para financia e impulsa proyectos productivos, factibles técnica y económicamente.

The SBD’s Board of Directors and, specifically, its Technical Secretariat are classified as a public funds administrative entity. They are part of Costa Rica’s institutional decentralized public sector, per the classification made by the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (MIDEPLAN).

The SBD brings together public and private, financial, and nonfinancial entities (some obligatory and others voluntary) based on a concept of development in which financing is considered just as important as business assistance.

With regards to the latter, the National Learning Institute (INA) must allocate 15% of its regular and special budgets to training, technical assistance, entrepreneurship, business development, etc., for the beneficiaries of the SBD law. Moreover, it provides for the participation of the National Cooperative Development Institute (INFOCOOP), the Joint Institute of Social Assistance (IMAS), and the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (MIDEPLAN).

Pursuant to Article 9 of the SBD Law, the Development Bank System (SBD) is fed by the following resources:

A) National Fund for Development (FONADE)

B) Financing Fund for Development (FOFIDE)

C) Credit Fund for Development (FCD)

D) The resources set forth in Article 59(ii) of Law No. 1644, National Bank System Organic Law of September 26, 1953 (CREDES)


Contribute to economic development, financial inclusion, poverty relief, and productive transformation in Costa Rica through a modern, efficient, ethical, and solidary Development Bank System.


A more prosperous, modern, inclusive, and sustainable nation with access to ethical, efficient financing aligned with the nation’s higher objectives and that promotes an increase in productivity, innovation, and equality across the different geographic regions and productive sectors.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Transform the SBD into an effective tool for financial inclusion; a mechanism to strengthen and increase the competitiveness of MSMEs and SMFs (small- and medium-scale farmers); a catalyst of productive transformation toward a more modern, integrated, and value-added economy, in which the traditional sectors represent no more than 20% of the total portfolio; and an effective promoter of entrepreneurship, innovation, trade, and employment, while positively impacting poverty across the country and promoting more efficient, solidary, and ethical banking.

Strategic Objectives

  • Drive the country’s transformation toward a more modern economy based on technology, innovation, and growth.
  • In alliance with other key institutions, promote entrepreneurship in all its forms, sectors, and regions.
  • Strengthen the competitiveness, growth, added value, and productive modernization of MSMEs, SMFs, and associative economic organizations throughout the national territory.
  • Drive the financial inclusion of companies and sectors of the population that historically and currently have been excluded.
  • Transform the development bank into a catalyst of change toward more inclusive, ethical, and solidary banking.
  • Promote the growth of integrated production and added value in key sectors of the economy across the country.
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